The purpose

Undisruption of the Union Ethnic unity is not disintegrated. This law was enacted to maintain the three responsibilities of maintaining sovereignty.

legal name Power effect

This law is called the Militia Service Law. This law was promulgated in 2010 by the president of the NAFA, and the current military leader issued a decree declaring that the law would come into effect on February 10, 2024.

Who should serve in the military?

According to the Militia Service Law, if a man is between the ages of 18 and 35, For girls, 18 to 27-year-olds are eligible. At that age, they must serve in the military. But if it's a male expert, it applies from 18 years old to 45 years old. For female experts, it is valid from 18 to 35 years of age. Here, "expert" is a doctor, engineering industry, Educated, It means someone who has learned a certain skill.

Who is exempt (those who do not have to serve in the military)

Religious workers are exempt. Buddhism among religious staff Christianity Hinduism includes people from 3 religions.

According to Buddhism, monks Including novices and nuns. They must have a religious identity card. According to Christianity, it includes persons recognized and dignified by Christian churches. For Hinduism, Samyasi, Ma Han, Including Hindu priests.

married women Women who are divorced but have children are also exempt. Those who are permanently disabled do not need to serve in the military. Those who have been determined by the military medical inspection team (military/medical team) to be permanently unfit for military service. Those who have been exempted by the order issued by the Central Organization of Militia Recruitment are also exempted.

Military service period

Under normal circumstances, a citizen must serve in the military for up to 24 months (2 years). If you are a military engineer, you must serve in the military for up to 3 years. Similarly, if you are an expert, you must serve for up to 3 years. But if the state is in a state of emergency, the military service period must be set to five years. And if convicted otherwise than under the Martial Law of 1959 or by a court-martial. If convicted by a civil court or convicted, the periods of such punishment are not counted as periods of military service.

Formation and Duties of Conscription Board

Groups that call people to serve in the military are called conscription groups. Militia service group (or state) It can be organized as district and township organization. Military/medical teams will conduct medical examinations of those called up for military service. Townships/villages must send those who have reached the age of military service on December 31st to the township conscription committee before January 1st every year. If summoned by order, those summoned must report within a specified period. After that, the conscript teams must go to the sending troops or departments and serve in the military.

However, the central organization of military service can instruct the person who is summoned to continue in his current job. Conscription The township group must summon citizens who are of age to serve in the military. Must be registered. Then you have to issue a registration certificate. If you have the registration in your possession, you can be summoned for a medical examination. The person who is summoned must report to the army or department mentioned in the summons without fail within the specified period. In such a summons, the summons order must be given to the relevant summoned person. If you can't find him, you have to give him a family member to stay with him. You have to have a witness next to you. If such delivery has been made, it shall be deemed to have been confirmed as having been delivered to the beneficiary. If a citizen joins the militia, he must comply with the Armed Forces Act of 1959. A person who is called up for military service to exempt him from military service. To reduce the period of military service; You can apply for a deferment for a specified period of time. In that case, the township recruitment committee will check whether the applicant's personal information is correct or not. We must check whether the reasons are correct or not. If the information in the application is incomplete, it must be returned to the applicant. If you have already worked in those activities, the military/medical team's medical examination, The findings and opinions of the township summoning committee must be submitted to the district summoning committee. The district level also presented the same to the division or state. Divisions or provinces must also submit to the central group step by step.

Those who are allowed to temporarily postpone military service

The central bodies of military service can temporarily suspend the following persons from military service. Those who have been certified by the military/medical team that they are not at the health level to serve in the military. civil servants Those who take care of my parents because there is no one else to take care of them. Those who are receiving treatment to quit drugs, Those who are in prison. These individuals are allowed to be temporarily deferred from the military service law. But if you regret it, you will have to serve in the military. Even if you are past the age of military service, you must serve in the military.

The benefits of militia personnel

While serving in the military, a member of the militia must receive salary and allowances according to the level specified in the army. and died while serving in the military, If there is damage, there are certain benefits. An employee who has completed military service must be assigned by the employer to his original job or a similar job after his military service. If you want to join the army on your own, even after serving in the military, you can also be allowed to join. Doctorate graduates Those who have a professional degree and who are qualified from time to time may be appointed as emergency gazetted officers.

Military organization

In some regions of the country, If there is an emergency situation for national defense and security in the whole country, the national government will ask the adults who are required to serve in the military. Military mobilization orders can be issued to those who have completed their military service.


If an adult who is to serve in the military does not show up when summoned to register by the township summons for military service, If you don't come when called for a medical examination, If you pass the medical test but do not show up when you are called up for military service, If you fail to report to your designated unit or department when the mobilization order is issued, If you make a false statement about something that you have to describe, Failure to employ a worker who has completed military service shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or fine or Both punishments must be imposed.

And because he doesn't want to serve in the military, if he commits any of the crimes that I will talk about now, he will be imprisoned for not more than five years or fine or Both punishments can be imposed. What are the crimes of pretending to be sick? If you pretend to be disabled, to make disease If it causes a disability, Deliberately delaying the cure of a disease or disability without treatment. If it makes it worse, If you hurt yourself, Doing it in other ways is a crime.

If a civil servant or member commits a dishonest act or failure to fulfill his duties, he shall be imprisoned for not more than three years. fine or Both punishments must be imposed. In addition, if aiding and abetting an offense under this law, imprisonment for not more than one year or fine or Both punishments can be imposed. Even after being convicted of the five-year and three-year crimes mentioned above, there is no exemption from military service.

On February 10th, the ruling military leader issued a report on the Militia Conscription Law, which threatened the entire population.